About Us
Our objective is to provide quality engineering products and systems through a technically qualified sales force committed to assisting the customer in obtaining a mechanically sound and economically feasible water and/or wastewater system. TD is committed to the sale of systems that are applied to situations to solve standard and unique engineering problems economically and technically.
TDH is highly qualified as a sales and marketing agency for the municipal public works water and wastewater market in the Deep South. The main thrust is to focus on the engineering intensive areas of this market, working with the public agencies, outsid consulting engineers, as well as, their in-house engineering and operating staffs.
TDH will assist in the engineering selection of systems and equipment, the preparation of the detailed written specifications describing the systems and equipment, and the specific application for the systems or equipment. TDH will assist the engineer g and owner in preparing present value analysis to allow a fair evaluation of the equipment represented.